All Special Offers
Explore Oak Flooring Direct's enticing special offers all in one convenient place! From irresistible discounts to exclusive promotions, our collection boasts the finest selection of premium oak flooring at unbeatable prices. Dive into our special offers page to unveil the perfect flooring deal for your home or project. Hurry, don't miss out on these limited-time offers! Visit us today and elevate your space with luxury oak flooring luxury vinyl tiles, Karndean Flooring, laminate flooring, and natural flooring, without breaking the bank.
Kahrs UK
£44.95 £68.95
Product: Kahrs Oak Grano, Matt Lacquered Engineered
Wood Flooring: 189mm Wide, 1-Strip Oak, Bevelled Edge, Matt LacqueredThe
Granada is a Country Grade Oak floor, with great..
£18.95 £32.00
Product: Limed Oak will always be a popular flooring choice due to its versatility, and these planks are even more beautiful with a neutral wash creating an understated backdr..
£19.95 £41.65
Product: Quick-Steps Rigid Alpha Vinyl flooring is not only stylish but extremely durable and can be installed in most areas of the home. Each design in the Quick-Step Alpha ..
£18.95 £41.65
Product: Quick-Steps Rigid Alpha Vinyl flooring is not only stylish but extremely durable and can be installed in most areas of the home. Each design in the Quick-Step Alpha ..
£19.95 £41.65
Product: Quick-Step Alpha Gingerbread Oak AVSP40278 Rigid Vinyl Flooring is a strong design with trusted
performance. Quickstep Alpha luxury vinyl is the ideal choice.Dimensions: ..
£19.95 £41.65
Product: Quick-Steps Rigid Alpha Vinyl flooring is not only stylish but extremely durable and can be installed in most areas of the home. Each design in the Quick-Step Alpha ..
£49.95 £63.71
Product: BOEN Oak Special 138mm, A high quality Norwegian produced engineered oak Floor, This attractive real oak floor has become a firm favourite with our Oak Flooring Direct cus..
£54.95 £71.21
Product: BOEN Oak Special 209mm, A high quality Norwegian produced engineered oak Floor, This attractive real oak floor has become a firm favourite with our Oak Flooring Direct cus..
£29.95 £54.95
Product: Quick-Step Compact Grand Lily White Oak COMG5606 Engineered Wood Flooring Dimensions: 1820mm (l) 190mm (w) 12.5mm (t)
Veneer Thickness: 2.0mm
£39.95 £59.95
Product: Quick-Step Toffee Brown Oak COMG3888 Engineered Wood Flooring, is a high quality engineered wood floor.Dimensions: 1820mm (l) 190mm (w) 12.5mm(t)
Veneer Thic..
£9.95 £22.69
Product: Karndean Knight Tile Mid Brushed Oak KP102 planks feature rich nut brown tones, a realistic traditional grain pattern and realistic brushed textureCall for best ..
£34.95 £44.15
Product: Karndean Korlok Antique French Oak mixes a deep brown traditional colour with characteristic tarnishings.The Karndean Korlock flooring is the perfect alter..